GLIS provides data for all lotteries around the world

Real time, real value.
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What is GLIS?

Global Lottery Information System is a verified and reliable service designed to provide information about all lotteries in the world with a priority to US based lotteries. GLIS is a partner service that provides drawing results of past lotteries in as real time as possible, their prizes, jackpots, closing and draw dates.




The product we offer to our partners, connected businesses and 3rd parties. A well documented API which allows you to receive live information from our system about all Lotteries. We have a very strict verifying system in place, so the possibility of displaying wrong data is close to zero. Do no hesitate to contact us about adding new lotteries to our API service.

GLIS Backoffice

The GLIS Backoffice offers the management and configuration of lottery data, including a live dashboard for operators, a fully configurable lottery editor including a wysiwyg like scraper helper, a DIY feed selector, importer for historic information and much more.